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The Convent of San Francisco

Convent of San Francisco
Convent of San Francisco
Convent of San Francisco
Convent of San Francisco

The abbey is in a square called San Francisco or also called market square because the weekly market was held there. In 1704 some Minimos priests came to Alcantarilla form Cordoba and Granada with the idea of building a convent for the order. They went to see the bishop Don Francisco Fernandez Angulo and he let them build the abbey. The bishop Beluga gave them money to build abey. It was finished in 1721 and the image of la Virgen De La Salud was brought there.

The Tale of the Priests's Orchard

The tale tells that the cardinal Beluga told the priests that all the ground of the orchard that they fenced in a night would belong to them. The priests worked all night and they got very ordierd.

Historical microstories

El huerto de los frailes

La noche infinita

Official journalist Fulgencio Sánchez Riquelme

Cronista Fulgencio Sánchez Riquelme
Official journalist
Fulgencio Sánchez Riquelme

IES ALCANTARA HIGH SCHOOL wants to express their gratitude to the actual official journalist in the town of Alcantarilla, Mr. Fulgencio Sánchez Riquelme. He was the guide who explained us all the information in detail.

Fulgencio Sánchez Riquelme was born in Alcantarilla, in 1951. He's Primary school teacher and he graduated in Philosophy and Letters, in the Geography's and History's section. When he was young, he began to colaborate with the press and in some regional magazines such as "Los desaparecidos diarios línea" and "Hoja del Lunes", making it too in "DIARIO: LA VERDAD". Right now, he's a contributor of "Diario: La opinión de Murcia"; almost all his jobs have been based in pieces of the regional history and so especially refered to the township of Alcantarilla, where he has a lot of bibliographic documents. He's made his teaching in Mazarrón, Sangonera la Seca and in Alcantarilla. From the year 1975, he's been a public servant in Murcia's university; having right now the Headquarter of the business's service that deals with the publications of that university.
He's an official journalist of Alcantarilla, appointed by the Ilmo. Town hall of the town in 1996.
