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The Barraca is the typical house of the Huerta de Murcia. It was built with straw, water and mud which were the materials easy to find in the area. The roof was made with reeds and grass. The house had small windows and a door at the front.


inside detail
inside detail

On the ground floor there are two rooms , in the front room there was a table and some chairs, the fireplace and household objects, and in the back room there was a bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe. There was also a ladder to go up to the top . At the top they used to store some food (meat, dry fruit and vegetables) and some families also grew silk worms. This was a popular activity carried out in Murcia. Families sold the worm cocoons to factories where they got the silk from and families could get some extra income for their survival.

inside detail
inside detail


outdoor side and well
outdoor side and well

Outside the barraca there is a well to get water from and a stack to wash. The Barraca had another door to the back garden where some hens, rabbits... were bred. Next to the house there is also a Moorish oven to bake bread and cook.

Men usually worked in the orchards most of the day whereas women looked after their children, did the housework and took care of the animals.

